We are a strategy and innovation company known for creating breakthrough value propositions that were once hidden in plain sight. As early leaders in the practice of Blue Ocean Strategy we specialize in helping leaders, teams, and organizations build the capability to continuously identify new value propositions, create change, and accelerate growth while reducing costs.

Our consulting practice works with your team to develop breakthrough products, services and business models. Our approach is based on over 20 years of experience helping some of the world's most recognized organizations to identify opportunities, create change, and accelerate growth by "seeing what everyone else has seen, yet thinking what nobody else has thought." Central to our Blue Ocean Strategy work is breaking the value/cost trade-off - creating higher value for investors, stakeholders and citizens, yet at a lower cost than the competition.

Discover What’s Around Your Corner. Our Practice:



Our online work is driven by an approach and platform - created with Igesia - that I've used to conduct Blue Ocean Strategy work during the pandemic that maximizes the use of technology, while minimizing the downsides of creating insights from the outside.

Here is a brief introduction to Corners XYZ.

About Corners XYZ

Corners XYZ is our education and consulting online platform that enables teams to explore, collaborate and learn from their markets globally, locally and within themselves to identify new value hidden in plain sight.

Glocal Experiences

Through local learning journeys, embedded buyer observations, dialogues with the local diaspora using live-stream fieldwork, executives capture local insights to share and analyze with teams globally.

Noncustomer Insights

Instead of focusing on extraordinary imagination we begin with extraordinary realism - the plausible/impossible, as Aristotle called it. And the only way to rethink, reframe and recombine one’s offering, while remaining firmly on the ground, is through noncustomer insights.

Travel More Often

Too often, the closer we are to home, the more likely we are to block out our surroundings. By sharing our local explorations, observations and interviews with colleagues across the globe, we gain a new perspective to see the world anew.

Strategic Fitness

The Corners XYZ platform provides not only the means but the tools and frameworks to have the confidence and competence to systematically create breakthrough insights for themselves, their company and society.

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Sample Corners Training Project

Corners XYZ is a modular and customizable platform designed to meet your team’s virtual/tactile strategy development needs.

What’s around your Corner?