Immersion Journeys
In life and work the most obvious, ubiquitous and important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see. Instead of focusing on extraordinary imagination firms must focus on extraordinary realism. And the only way to rethink, reframe and recombine one’s offering, while remaining firmly on the ground, is through non-customer insights. Non-customers may never purchase your product but they are the hidden source of breakthrough insights.
Hidden in plain sight are the insights to address the challenges managers face, from business model redesign to customer service, distribution, finance, talent development, and sales. Opportunity is all around us as only if we look for it in the right way. With our approach participants learn how to overcome the cognitive traps that blind us from the creative solutions that are often right in front of our eyes.
No matter how hard firms try, through observation or interrogation, customers will never be the source of blockbuster business strategies. And no matter how innovative firms believe they are, we must recognize that our predictive powers are inherently faulty.
By shifting their focus from customer to non-customer interactions with their offering, managers gain the distance, perspective, and latitude necessary to unlock market creating insights.
“The desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world.”
In a fast paced “learning journey” across an iconic city, participants learn how to conduct ethnographic research to uncover the 3 key insights non-customers consistently reveal:
Buyer Pain Points
Observing how non-customers interact with a firm's offering quickly illuminates where they are over-serving, under-performing and creating pain points that existing customers passively endure
Core Competencies
Non-customers provide the psychological distance to highlight a firm's often overlooked core competencies
Value Proposition
Non-customer insights help us to connect and recombine seemingly disassociated insights across market boundaries to create breakthrough offerings