Get Lost! Buyer Research in a Digital World

Get Lost! Buyer Research in a Digital World

How do we navigate in a world without landmarks? We create them. With the rise of mass production businesses turned to psychologists and statisticians to quantify consumer behavior through surveys. Innovators, like sailors, bristled against the certitude of statistics. “If I had asked people what they wanted,” Henry Ford noted, “they would have said faster horses.”

Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) in a Business-to-Business (B2B) context

Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) in a Business-to-Business (B2B) context

Defining the Application of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) in a Business-to-Business (B2B) context. A little bit more than a year ago Jens and I decided to put our heads together to fill a gap in the BOS literature, education and practice: where is the B2B in Blue Ocean Strategy. So we decided to exchange notes, thoughts, ideas and experiences to start filling the gap. Over the next 3 weeks we will publish the first 5 chapters and starting in September the remainders of our work for you to review, comment, challenge.

Post-Pandemic Innovation

Post-Pandemic Innovation

Over the last year, we've found that our loss of geography has brought a correction to our relationship with the internet. The way we collaborate, learn, discover and create has changed, and as a result, we developed Corners, an approach and platform for online flâneurism. In this series I'll explore the notion of looking around your Corner - physically and digitally - to uncover strategic insights hidden in plain sight.

Value Your Constraints to Innovation

Value Your Constraints to Innovation

In the last article I explored why noncustomers are the fountainhead of the plausible impossible. Yet we must navigate deeper. What makes great innovators great is their ability to connect insights hidden in plain sight. Steve Jobs described this process best when he famously said, innovation is just connecting the dots. Similarly, Richard Branson uses the mantra of "A-B-C-D" - Always Be Connecting the Dots.

The Power of Noncustomers

The Power of Noncustomers

Your noncustomers may not be thinking of you, but you should be thinking of your noncustomers. So often the most obvious, important and profound realities are the ones that are hardest to see. Today, the ability to spot, decode and connect the little things that customers and competitors take for granted are the overwhelming driver of competitive advantage.

Weights & Measures

Weights & Measures

You must obey the forces you want to command. Consider if you were tasked to make Theodore Levitt's proverbial 1/4 inch hole. But what if you had to create the tools to do so? First, you would have to obey the laws of physics and metallurgy to heat the wrought iron to the right temperature. Obey the laws of Newtonian mechanics…

Cost of Customers

Cost of Customers

Firms must shift their focus from giving customers what they want, to giving them something much better. To suggest that there is a formulaic path to creating “breakthrough value” is absurd. But to propose that we can create an approach that turns value proposition design into more of a puzzle than a mystery is a very real one.

Plausible/Impossible: Origins

Plausible/Impossible: Origins

Buyers impatiently wait to be wowed as firms struggle to find new growth opportunities. Today “innovation” is a byword for distraction instead of a force for human advancement. And all signs point to a deepening innovation recession. Look at indicators from a 50% decline in entrepreneurship in the last 20 years; to a pop-culture tech backlash; to the fact that just 3% percent of newly financed product…